
Book of Mormon Stories

Nora has been learning a new song in her nursery class at church. The music leader, Sister Terry, has been doing a GREAT job teaching the kids. I love to hear Nora learning the songs that I enjoyed as a child. This one is about the Book of Mormon, another testament of Jesus Christ that teaches about His visit to America after His resurrection and includes a history of the people who lived here in ancient times. Check it out!

Here are the words to the first verse that Nora sings:

"Book of Mormon stories that my teacher tells to me,
All about the Lamanites in ancient history,
Long ago their fathers came from far across the sea,
Given this land, if they lived, righteously!"

For more information about the Book of Mormon, or to request a free copy of this, or other reference materials offered by our church, go to:


Yaker621 said...

Okay, I'm convinced!!! Tears are taking their places front-and-center! Tell Nora Sister Terry loves her and is so proud of her!

Scott and Jillian said...

I love the "Cha cha cha"! So darling!

Scott & I were just talking about you guys the other day and how we really miss you guys!! "I love Sariah!" LOL!

Unknown said...
