Sibling Comparison
Here are my two babies at roughly five weeks old. Do you think they look alike? It's funny to see that Nora still had dark hair then, and those cheeks! She was born with those. As for Wells- he's just such a boy. Nora was very expressive at this age whereas Wells is yet to give us a smile, except in his sleep.

The Pond
During the summer we frequent this awesome park with a swimming pond and playground in a neighboring town. It is free after 5 o'clock, just when Nora wakes up from her nap and the summer heat and threat of sunburn fade off so it's the perfect evening activity to pass the time until Daddy comes home. Today Daddy actually came with us- which was nice for me as I'm still struggling with the juggle of two kids there. Nora had a blast, as usual, and Wells was actually awake for the entire event- a first!
One Month Old
I always thought it would be fun to take a picture with a reference object each month and see how my baby has grown. I didn't do this with Nora, but I think I probably made up for it with the hundreds, nay, thousands of other pictures of her that we took. Poor Wells may never get very many other pictures by himself, so I'm making sure to document each month on the 27th- at least for his first year. Look how big he is getting already! He's over 10 lbs and cute as can be. Nora couldn't understand why she couldn't get into this picture with him.
The Last Days of Summer
We've been really soaking in these last days in August as I feel that the summer has past me by in some ways. I'm so happy to have this beautiful baby in my arms (and sling...) instead of in my tummy! It feels so great! Nora has been a really good sport as I have spent the last month trying to adjust to life with two kids and the slowness at which we get around to actually doing things these days. Luckily for me, she's still content to spend the afternoon playing in our own tiny backyard... Good-bye summer 2008!
Photo Shoot

My good friend Liz is an AMAZING photographer. Check out her blog at http://elizabethwertzphotography.blogspot.com. She was wonderful enough to come over and do a photo shoot for us AND put together a birth announcement. I was so thrilled with how the pictures came out that it made me want to get a better camera and more importantly, learn how to use it! I did have some great baby photos of Nora (thanks, Ellen!) but she was a little bit older so I was glad to get some of Wells at a week old. Here are a few of my favorites.
Aren't these cute?
First Bath
At Home!
Nora has been such an amazingly cute big sister. She loves to help with Wells and actually gets upset when someone does something for him that she could have done (like put a binky in his mouth...) She is always doting on him and trying to make sure that he's happy. When he cries for food or a diaper change, she runs over with an arm full of baby toys to entertain him. In some ways, I never want this stage to end, in others, I can't wait to see the two of them playing together! Some day he will love to see her charging toward him with a bunch of toy offerings.

Thanks Nana!
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