I can't say enough about this little guy. We fall more in love with him each day. He started this really cute head shaking thing when he's feeling silly that I absolutely must get on video. What a charmer. I ended up taking a bunch of photos this month because it's the first one that I've had my new camera for and because I feel like 6 months is kind of a big one. Here are a few of my favorites.
Six Month Photos
I can't say enough about this little guy. We fall more in love with him each day. He started this really cute head shaking thing when he's feeling silly that I absolutely must get on video. What a charmer. I ended up taking a bunch of photos this month because it's the first one that I've had my new camera for and because I feel like 6 months is kind of a big one. Here are a few of my favorites.
Some friends came over for dinner tonight and brought the cutest cookies for Nora and Wells from a great bakery in town. Nora managed to finish hers even though it was roughly the size of her head and then moved on to trying to negotiate for Wells'. It got me in the mood for Valentines day! (and the power struggles over candy and sweets that go along with it...)
Joy of Joys
Wells looked so cute playing the other day that I had to grab the camera and get some shots of him. He was in a great mood and very smiley, even with a bright flash blinding him over and over again. This was a rare moment that we had alone as Nora was taking an early evening nap. I love his expressions and his personality. Every time I look at him, I feel like I've won the baby lottery.
As a side note, we're having a terrible time with Nora and sleep. She is too exhausted to make it through the day without a nap, but if we give her one, she manages to keep herself up until 11 pm sometimes which just won't do anymore. Advice, anyone?
Playing with the New Camera
I've had requests for pictures from the new camera. Even though I haven't read the manual yet and have very little idea what I'm doing, we put it into auto mode and snapped these beauties. My favorite feature is the image stabilizer lens. No more fuzzy pictures, even of wiggly kids. Lots more where this came from. I have a new hobby!
New England Aquarium
A friend managed to convince me to brave the aquarium with both kids yesterday. Actually, the aquarium itself was not a problem at all, but getting there! I am not a city driver in any sense and try to avoid it at all cost, so this journey was quite a feat. Apart from an unintentional toll and parking ticket (also unintentional- duh), and one hour of time spent lost and looking for parking, the trip was a success! Nora will probably end up as some sort of marine biologist from the deep rooted passion that she holds for all things water or sea related. Unfortunately, I brought my old camera and it was acting up so I wasn't able to get any good pictures but I'll post what I did manage (with much great frustration).
What We've been up to on this Snowy Weekend...
Dress-up taken to a New Level

Poor Wells is feeling the brunt of life with two girl cousins and a big sister. I stole this collage from my sister-in-law since she is always ready with a camera to capture the classic moments. The funny thing is- he didn't seem to mind the dress-up session one bit. I can't wait to pull this out on his prom night...
I have yet to post a video (without help), so I'll have to see how it goes. If you listen closely, you will notice that I have a little parrot that follows me... As soon as she saw that I was taking pictures, she ran to get her 'camera' and join in. What a sweetie.
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