Wells looked so cute playing the other day that I had to grab the camera and get some shots of him. He was in a great mood and very smiley, even with a bright flash blinding him over and over again. This was a rare moment that we had alone as Nora was taking an early evening nap. I love his expressions and his personality. Every time I look at him, I feel like I've won the baby lottery.
As a side note, we're having a terrible time with Nora and sleep. She is too exhausted to make it through the day without a nap, but if we give her one, she manages to keep herself up until 11 pm sometimes which just won't do anymore. Advice, anyone?
Emma went through a phase like the one you described with Nora for a while. Now we let her nap if it's before 2pm, but if she hasn't napped by then we'll do anything to keep her up. She's in bed by 8:30 consistently now, it's nice. Hopefully Nora starts going to bed earlier soon for you, I know how painful a tired 2yo up late can be...
Oh, one thing that helped a lot was to have dinner by candlelight (we use several little tea candles) - having all the electric lights off seems to make Emma go to bed much more easily. Good luck!
Those nap transition times are rough. Abby did the same thing FOREVER! I finally decided that I'd rather deal with her grumpies than have her up until 11 or midnight, so I wouldn't let her sleep during the day. It seemed like for her there was always a rough grumpy period in the afternoon, but if I could get her through that, she would usually get a second wind and then be ok until bedtime. I would also suggest moving Nora's bedtime up for now - there is nothing wrong with putting your kids to bed at 7 Good luck!
We used to go to bed at 7, and so do my younger brothers. I know she won't see Josh as much, but it may help you get her settled into a better 8-9 bedtime.
My mom also had the rule No naps after 2pm with my youngest brother. So she would feed him lunch at 11am, and he would go to his room for "book time" about 12. And usually fall asleep.
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