

I put Nora's hair in braids yesterday and took them out this morning. She looked so beautiful with a full head of golden waves. I was admiring it throughout all of her many activities today and even got a couple of pictures at playgroup before my camera battery died. Nora has always had a great amount of hair- and it grows really fast too. I used to cut it every couple of months right to the chin and she had a cute little bob. Then one day out of the blue, Josh said 'I think we should grow Nora's hair long'. Since Josh has never before or since made any sort of mention of hair preferences, I decided it was worth listening to. Now that it's long, I can't get enough of it. But every now and then I long for the return of her cute bob. Oh, long or short- what do you think, folks?


MaryAnne said...

I love it both ways! I wish Emma's hair grew fast. The hair on the side still hasn't grown past her chin, so I just chopped off the back again...

josh, erica, nora, wells, evie and stella said...

She gets the great hair from Josh!

Andrae said...

I usually grow my girls out only to cut it again...both ways look so cute...with long hair you do get to braid it fun ways though :)

Lisa said...

I love it both ways too, but she would look cute with any hair cut.
I like my kids better with a bob, but they would rather have long hair...

Emma said...

I think you're very lucky it looks great both ways! Abby's hair has been a struggle from the day she was born. It finally started to look beautiful long, and it was so fun to curl, and then she got hold of scissors and ruined it for a good year or so at least! I like it long because I think there are more ways to play with it and do it up. There is a great link on the sidebar of my blog for cute little girls hair ideas. Check it out.