
The Zoo

The weather has been beautiful. We made it to the zoo a few times in the last couple of weeks although I was only successful in bringing the camera and actually taking pictures once. Here they are! I was a little dissappointed by our zoo when I first took Nora about three years ago. It is small, and a little run down. I think growing up near the Philadelphia zoo, which is more of a theme park, spoiled me in some ways.
As time has gone on, however, I have grown to like the Stone zoo more and more.

Because it's small, Nora runs around and has the place memorized. Also, it feels more safe and intimate. We can see the whole zoo in a couple of hours (or one hour, for that matter), but if we want to spend longer, that is always an option because there is a great sandbox, petting zoo and playground. They have nice picnic areas, and even new or updated exhibits now and again. Really, it is a great zoo for little kids and is only about five minutes from home which for me, is the best part of all!

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