

Every Sunday we try to go for a walk as a family. Last week we tried this new trail around a pond in a neighboring town. I first noticed what I thought looked like a beaver dam . Then, we started to notice the beavers swimming around and slapping their tails. Can you find them? I think we saw two dams and three beavers. When we got home we tried to use the internet to figure out why the were slapping their tails. Apparently it's a way to warn other beavers of possible danger nearby. I think the danger was us.


nickwrites said...

*dam* Erica; you used the expletive version of the word. But I'm sure the dam was damn awesome; thanks for sharing!

josh, erica, nora, wells, evie and stella said...

oops! I'll change that right away. No wonder my internet filter wouldn't spell it out...